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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Earn Money with Ebates

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Have you heard of Ebates? I use Ebates to get Cash Back at my favorite stores like Macy's, Nike, Ebay & Amazon. It's free and super easy to use Try it out!

Shopping Amazon & eBay With Ebates

We are pleased to offer our members Cash Back at eBay and Amazon. These are unique businesses, and so their Cash Back offers have a few unique features:
  • Cash Back at both Amazon and eBay is tiered. That means the amount of Cash Back you can earn varies by category and is subject to frequent change. You can always see a category’s current Cash Back amount by visiting the Amazon store page or the eBay store page on
  • Cash Back at Amazon can only be earned on items added to your cart after clicking through Ebates.
  • Cash Back at eBay can be earned only on completed Winning Bid or Buy It Now transactions. An item must be paid for to be eligible to earn Cash Back.
  • Cash Back at eBay is limited to $50 per order.

How to Earn Cash Back

At Ebates, we don’t ask you to fill out forms or earn points. In fact, earning Cash Back with us is as easy as 1-2-3:
  1. Shop: First, start an Ebates Shopping Trip. To do this, simply be sure to click on any Ebates link to the store you’ll shop with before you make a purchase.
  2. Validate: When you click an Ebates link, you’ll see a pop-up confirmation letting you know you’re ready to shop and earn Cash Back at that store.
  3. Purchase: Complete your purchase as you normally would. This will also complete your Shopping Trip.
That’s all you have to do.
Once the store lets us know that you’ve made a purchase, we add your Cash Back to your account and send you an email confirmation. It usually takes a little time for the store to let us know that your purchase was completed. Depending on the store, this can take from a few hours to several days. Then, every three months, we send you the Cash Back you’ve earned, in a Big Fat Check or via PayPal.
Retroactively earning Cash Back
Did you place an order, but forgot to go through Ebates first? Unfortunately, you can only earn Cash Back by starting a Shopping Trip with Ebates first. We have no way to add Cash Back after a purchase has already been made.
If you are finding it difficult to remember to go to before you purchase, try our Cash Back Button. It pops up automatically on any site where Ebates Cash Back is available, and it even finds coupons for you.